“Lighting Solutions: Practical Locations for Wall Light Installations in Your Home”

Lighting is one of the major functions of wall lights, which are utilized for decorating homes. Additionally, it improves the effect of interior decoration.

Where should you install wall lights in a home?

Below, Xiaofan has summarized many instances of families whose homes have been renovated before to tell everyone:


In the majority of cases, a couple of wall lamps are installed in the corridors of households for additional lighting.

as well as the height of the wall lamps in these areas should be greater than the angle of eye contact.

At the same time there are some decorative elements that can be placed around the lighting fixtures,

Placing an unassuming table beneath the lamp on the wall can create an even greater impact.


Many people set up wall lights on their beds, because bedrooms need additional lighting.

When you’re reading in bed or getting up at night the wall lamp becomes crucial.

Find wall lamps that feature head lamps that can be adjusted and soft lighting.

The wall lights in the bedroom need to be a part of the overall style, however, they should not be too distracting.

and try not to choose or exaggerated forms for example, animal photos with teeth and claws.


The installation of wall lamps in restaurants can give a localized lighting effect.

If the restaurant’s size is excessive, wall lamps and chandeliers are a possibility to be put in.

If the restaurant is small, you may want to set up chandeliers.

can make the room appear cramped and crowded,

Install one or two wall lights on the wall.

In addition, dining is like dining in the most luxurious dining establishment,

It is a luxurious area with a calming, enveloping atmosphere.

In front of the bathroom Mirror

You can install wall lamps on top of mirrors in the bathroom.

It is best to place the light right above the mirror on the downward side.

In this way, the lighting effects will be enhanced.

The same design should be used for wall lamps like it is for faucets and showerheads. This will create a more pleasing overall look.


Few people install lighting fixtures on their balconies.

Wall lamps are only used on attractive balconies particularly during summer nights.

When two of the wall lamps are turnedd on and the scenery outside is lovely.

So the suitable location for installing wall lights isn’t only about the installation on the lights on one wall.

However, it also has to be in sync with the surrounding surroundings and work with the general environment.